Sustainability is a prerequisite for creating long-term value


Sustainability is fundamental to our business success and the success of our companies. Investor firmly believes that a sustainable business approach is a prerequisite for creating long-term value.

Our approach

Investor takes a business-driven approach to sustainability as we believe this is a prerequisite for future-proofing our companies to become or remain best-in-class and stay competitive. We believe that companies that integrate sustainability in their operations and business decisions will be more successful and create more long-term value. Investor has a long tradition of acting as an engaged and responsible owner and company, and defines sustainability as the delivery of long-term value in economic, social and environmental terms.

Responsible owner

It is in our role as an owner we have the most impact through the capital we provide, the active ownership role that we play and the employment, innovations, products and services delivered by our companies. When we help our companies develop best-in-class businesses, they create value for their customers, for society, and in turn, for us and our shareholders.

We have a structured ownership approach to sustainability based on our Sustainability Policy. The value creation plans for each company include sustainability issues and it is through the business teams and board representation that we engage and follow-up on the companies’ sustainability work.

Responsible company

As a company, Investor continuously works to improve our social, environmental and economic impact. Our Sustainability Policy and Code of Conduct are the foundation for how we operate, acknowledged by all employees on an annual basis. The Code of Conduct guides all employees in their day to day work based on our values as well as internal policies for Anti-Corruption, Sustainability and Whistleblowing.

We have high ethical standards in everything we do. We support universally recognized human rights and assume long term accountability for ethical standards. We are a signatory of the UN Global Compact and its ten principles and support the ILO conventions, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Our materiality process

We continuously monitor our most significant economic, environmental and social impacts to ensure that we are addressing the most important topics to our business and stakeholders. Our material topics form the foundation for our sustainability strategy and prioritizes.

Focus Areas

UN Global Goals

Explore how Investor and our portfolio companies contribute to the UN Global Goals


INVESTOR 231124 Test 0419
Jacob Lund
Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer
+46 725 60 21 57

Sofia Jonsson
Head of Sustainability
+46 8 614 2183