Financial Risks

Financial risk

The risks of losses due to changes in market variables such as fluctuations of share prices, interest rates and currency rates, are significant for Investor. Share price risk is the largest. The risks that liquidity is unavailable 
to meet payment commitments or that financing cannot be obtained or only at increased cost due to changed market conditions, are other material financial risks.

Risk Mitigating Actions: Limits for financial risks are set in the Finance policy adopted by the Board. A measure to manage fluctuations in exchange rates and interest rates is the option to hedge by using derivative instruments. The share price risk is not hedged. Daily procedures are established to monitor, evaluate and report to the Executive Leadership Team on current exposure. Also, ensuring financial preparedness by managing the liquidity ratio, allocating loan maturities over time and diversifying sources of capital are continuous risk mitigating activities. Regular reports on exposure versus set limits are provided to the Audit and Risk Committee by Treasury and Risk Control.